Category Archives: International

Rock(er) and Roll

It seems a German gentleman, Heiner M. Becker, is claiming to have the rights to the entire body of work of Rudolf Rocker and is threatening legal action against German language syndicalist website and the Institut für Syndikalismusforschung (Institute for syndicalism research) forcing them to remove a vast collection of his writings. Read the rest of this entry

The View From Alexandria

This blog post(LINK) on Youth Journalism International is a first hand account from 17 year old Jessica Elsayed on the situation in her home town of Alexandria. It is pretty inspiring to hear of people spontaneously organising to defend themselves from antisocial elements, both police and criminal, as a community whilst at the same time fighting to oust the dictator who has ruled over them for the last three decades. Read the rest of this entry

The Egyptian Revolution

An amazing video from yesterday’s insurrection against the Egyptian government.

“We will not be silenced, whether you’re a Christian, whether you’re a Muslim , whether you’re an atheist, you will demand you goddamn rights, and we will have our rights, one way or the other! We will never be silenced!”

It seems that last night president Mubarak managed to completely miss the point when he said that he will fire the entire government and appoint a new one. As if that will make a difference.

Solidarity to the people of Egypt.

Twatter feed

News from Egypt

Al Jazeera English live stream

The Crazies Come Out For Haiti

If You Want To Donate To The Haitian Relief Effort Click Here

It had to happen, the bodies are piling up into the street, people are driven beyond the point of desperation and the international relief effort is slowly chugging into action and now out come the crazies. If Pat Robertson’s comments beggared belief then the now conspiracy milieu take the biscuit and run off with it to yaa yaa land. Read the rest of this entry