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The Crazies Come Out For Haiti

If You Want To Donate To The Haitian Relief Effort Click Here

It had to happen, the bodies are piling up into the street, people are driven beyond the point of desperation and the international relief effort is slowly chugging into action and now out come the crazies. If Pat Robertson’s comments beggared belief then the now conspiracy milieu take the biscuit and run off with it to yaa yaa land. Read the rest of this entry

Godless Support For Haiti

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason has set up a portal for non believers to give to secular organisations involved in the relief effort in Haiti. So far they have raised something in the region of $180,000, who says you need dog to be moral and charitable?

The portal allows you to choose for wither your entire donation to got to either Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) or the International Red Cross. The default is for it to be split 50/50 between the two organisations.


Haitians Deserve The Earthquake According to Influential American Christian

If you want to donate to the relief effort for Haiti click here

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