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Haitians Deserve The Earthquake According to Influential American Christian

If you want to donate to the relief effort for Haiti click here

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American Evangelists Spread Their Poison

I’m sure that by now everyone is aware of the Ugandan anti-homosexuality law that has been proposed which would see ‘repeat offenders’ and those with H.I.V. sentenced to death (though now it seems it will be reduced to life imprisonment), and imprisonment for those convicted of homosexuality. How many though are aware of the role played by American evangelists in the inspiration and formation of this law? Read the rest of this entry

Festive Fucking Greetings Ya *&%£$”**%

Sorry about the shitty adverts at the start and end of this vid (hell ads are fuckin everywhere at this time of year) but here’s a nice wee skit to get you into the festive cheer.