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Godless Support For Haiti

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason has set up a portal for non believers to give to secular organisations involved in the relief effort in Haiti. So far they have raised something in the region of $180,000, who says you need dog to be moral and charitable?

The portal allows you to choose for wither your entire donation to got to either Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) or the International Red Cross. The default is for it to be split 50/50 between the two organisations.


Ireland Attempts To Outlaw Outspoken Rationality

At the beginning of the month new laws in the Republic of Ireland made blasphemy a crime punishable by a fine of £22,000(25,000 euros). This law doesn’t only apply to Christianity but to all religions. The reason for this is, according to the Irish government, due to the influx of immigrants into the country meaning there is a wider range of religions in the country, there’s progressive of them eh? Read the rest of this entry

An End To Faith Schools And An End To Faith

According to the Scottish Government there are 395 faith schools in Scotland which compared to Englandshire’s 7000 or so doesn’t seem too bad, but it’s still 395 too many. These ‘schools’ are funded by the government and therefore by taxes paid by all of us whether we are rational or not. I fundamentally oppose any superstitious half wits ‘right’ to stunt their child’s development by sending them to one of these divisive institutions.

It is just plain wrong that anyone should be able to teach superstitious nonsense as fact and it’s absolutely out-bloody-rageous that the rest of us should be expected to pay for it. The teaching of the loony tune ideas of the supernaturalists makes me feel sick to the core. How can we expect to advance as a species when we allow witch doctors and stone age troglodytes to be responsible for our childrens education?

It’s all very well if you want to think that you’ve got a magic space daddy that is going to party with your ghost after you shuffle off this mortal coil but teach it to your kids as fact and you should have your children taken off you and you should be sterilised for the good of the human race.

Lying is not a good thing folks and lying to children is abhorrent.

I am sick that these wing nuts who hold ridiculous fucking beliefs should be afforded any respect from a rational society. That this respect is demanded and given makes me really pessimistic about our future. These beliefs should be held up to ridicule and venom on a daily basis.

There is no more evidence for ANY form of intelligent creator than there is for the existence of fucking leprechauns. Religious and spiritual belief has caused untold suffering all over the world and stands side by side with both statism and capitalism as the worst disasters to befall our species. At least capitalists and statists can provide concrete evidence for how and why they exist rather than the bollocks spouted by the faith types of the world.

For the final word on how I feel about faith, well the Abrahamic ones anyway:

Christians: He didn’t even exist FFS!

Jew: Stop mutilating your children! It’s not big, it’s not clever so stop it okay.

Muslims: I don’t care where or when you lived sleeping with a child makes you a nonce.

Atheists=Smart, Believers=Thick – It’s Science Dummies!!

Richard Lynn, emeritus proffesor of psychology at the University of Ulster will argue in a forthcoming paper that there is a link between intelligence and religious non/belief. In the paper, due to be published in the journal Intelligence, he cites various studies done over the years concerning religious belief. One such study showed that in a survey of the Royal Society there were only 3.3% of its members who claimed any form of religious belief whilst 68.5% of the Uk population at the time claimed to be believers.

Whilst to me it certainly comes as no surprise that academically minded people should come to the mind-numbingly obvious conclusion that there is no god, buddah, thor or zeus; I’m not sure how much to take his research seriously as Lynn has in the past made links between intelligence and both gender and race. That he done so leads me to believe that he is merely looking at statistics and not taking into account other societal elements.

The link between religious belief and intelligence does for me seem to be a no brainer. I’m not talking about academics here either but regular everyday folk. I can count on one hand the intelligent people of faith that I have met who weren’t in some way emotionally damaged. In the paper Lynn points out that all children are believers, we all believed in Santa now didn’t we, but as they grow and become more intelligent and questioning they become agnostic. No one leaves junior school still believing in Santa and it’s not that great a leap of intelligence to apply the same cold logic to jay-sus and his beardy daddy in the sky.

Unfortunately in most schools there are religious gatherings most mornings and kids are taught that either god exists – fact or that it is somehow taboo to question his/her/its existence. This, in my (n)ever so humble opinion acts as a mental block to taking the next logical and rational step and questioning the theocracy.

Education, in British schools, is woefully underfunded and with overcrowded class rooms and mile upon mile of red tape for teachers then it is little wonder that kids are not taught the wonders of the world through science which leaves them prey for superstitious cults like christianity to keep them mentally stunted. Religion should have no place in schools apart from in history and anthropology classes. Teaching our children that there is an omnipresent being in the sky that watches everything that they do and, should they be naughty, will punish them by burning them in a lake of fire for all eternity is tantamount to child abuse.

I know that Professor Dawkins had already said this in much more polite and eloquent form but it really gets my goat thinking about how our society has been crippled by this superstitious nonsense. As if capitalism wasn’t bad enough we’ve got these mental parasites feeding off our alienation and powerlessness and telling us that we will get what we deserve after we’re dead.

Bollocks! It’s my fucking world, the state and the capitalists have stolen it with the help of the mumbo jumbo types and I want it back. I’ll be willing to share like. 🙂

Oh well time for a song I feel.